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International activity

Prospects for development of international relations

  • Еstablishing and developing relations with international organizations (funds) in order to possibly raise funds for the implementation of educational (scientific) programs (projects) to improve police training and logistics of educational process at Lviv State University of Internal Affairs.

  • Сontinuation of cooperation with foreign educational institutions on the exchange of scientific and pedagogical staff in order to participate in scientific conferences, seminars, round tables and other events that will take place on the basis of educational institutions.

  • Development of cooperation with the European Union Advisory Mission in Ukraine and the Association of European Police Colleges (AEPC).

  • Establishing and strengthening contacts with Police Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan, National University of Civil Service (Hungary) and Higher School of Saxon Police (Germany) in order to conclude cooperation agreements between educational institutions, which will promote:

    • conducting joint research for the needs of law enforcement agencies;

    • exchange of delegations of scientific and pedagogical staff, students and cadets in order to study the experience of police staff training;

    • exchange of scientific and methodical materials;

    • conducting bilateral (multilateral) scientific and practical events (conferences, seminars, round tables).

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