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The memory of the victims of the Chernobyl tragedy was honored at LvSUIA

Requiem meetings for the 37th anniversary of the Chernobyl accident, the largest man-made disaster in the history of mankind were held at various locations of the university.

Cadets, students and employees of the university paid tribute to those who bravely fought the consequences of this terrible catastrophe.

"According to unofficial data, almost 15,000 people died in Ukraine as a result of the Chernobyl disaster", Roman Sushko said, the host of the event, the Deputy Head of the Human Resources Department. About 30,000 law enforcement officers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs participated in the liquidation of the aftermath of the tragedy. Many of them suffered acute radiation sickness."

Employees and cadets of our educational institution were among the liquidators of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. They went to the exclusion zone in 1987 as part of two combined detachments.

"Today we have gathered here to honor the employees of the university and our fellow citizens who participated in the liquidation of the aftermath of the Chernobyl catastrophe. We must remember their heroism. Those who first arrived at the station did everything to localize the fire and prevent it from spreading.

They did not have sufficient equipment and, obviously, were not aware of all the danger, but they continued to deal with the consequences of the accident," Yuriy Nazar said, the Director of the Institute for Training Specialists for National Police Units.

He also noted that more than five million people are considered victims of the Chernobyl disaster. About three thousand settlements suffered from its consequences. And according to rough estimates of international organizations, the exclusion zone will not be habitable until at least 2065.

Events to honor the memory of the disaster fighters of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant were also held in the "Vereshchytsia" educational and training department. 

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