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"Professors’ Cafe" at LvDUVS: debate on science in a relaxed atmosphere

Employees, students and cadets of Lviv State University of Internal Affairs once again gathered in a cozy atmosphere to drink a cup of fragrant coffee and discuss science issues and its importance for young people.

LvSUIA Rector Roman Blahuta started the meeting.

"The university wishes students can realize their abilities, particularly in science. "Professors' Cafe" was created just for this purpose. Such a lively and relaxed way of communication which we have chosen is one of the best. It allows us to understand each other and freely offer our ideas," LvSUIA Rector noted.

University teachers became experts at the event. During six panel discussions, they discussed with students and cadets the topics of new dimensions of a safe educational environment, gender-sensitive science and the implementation of education in departmental universities.

They also shared their thoughts on what is needed to make science interesting and what is its main goal.

And at the end, they talked about who a scientific supervisor should be - a teacher, a friend or a controller.

The purpose of the "Professors' Cafe" is to attract young people's attention to science, interest them in new trends, and encourage them to do their own research.

The project was launched last year before Science Day. 

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